Looking for land follows Pony, a farmer on the hunt for land to work, live on, and one day own. His search for his forever farm has had him traversing the country – from Oregon to Maine, Pennsylvania, California, Utah, back to Oregon. Living in a variety of situations – bus, cabin, van, condemned house, tent, trailer, barn. When I met him, he had one dog (Sugar) but along the way gained a herding dog, guardian dogs, a horse, rabbits, chickens, ducks, goats, and many sheep, he now has over 500 animals. Though he hasn't yet found his forever land, he has struck out on his own (as many of us dream of doing) and is raising his animals on leased land in southern Oregon. He calls his farm Sugarfield. It is a small operation, and he does most everything himself or with the occasional help of friends and neighbors.
Farmers use the land for an essential purpose – to grow or raise food. Something all humans must have, but our level of connectedness with this reality varies greatly. Pony has chosen to hang his livelihood and everyday existence on this most basic need. Through his story, I'm able to explore ideas of small farming, raising and eating animals, rural living, remoteness, and community, and the idea of owning one's own plot of land.
Farmers use the land for an essential purpose – to grow or raise food. Something all humans must have, but our level of connectedness with this reality varies greatly. Pony has chosen to hang his livelihood and everyday existence on this most basic need. Through his story, I'm able to explore ideas of small farming, raising and eating animals, rural living, remoteness, and community, and the idea of owning one's own plot of land.